WordPress is a mess.

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WordPress is a mess.

Full Site Editing will introduce a new editing experience that will allow you to change, but also its layouts, colors, typefaces, and more.

The Site Editor will be used to manage the structure of the site as a whole – what you want to include in the site header, the site footer, the menus, and so on.

Full Site Editing will be a big change for WordPress themes, and for the role, they play in the larger WordPress ecosystem.

If a theme developer wanted to create a site header with the site title, description, main menu, and social icons before the Site Editor, you would have to write PHP or JavaScript that generates markup for all those elements.

With the Site Editor, you simply define a template part for the site header, with blocks for the site title, description, menu, and social icons added by default.

The site owner can then edit that template part in the Site Editor and, for example, replace the social icons with a newsletter signup form.

He or she could also dump your default header in the trash and build an entirely custom one, with whatever layout, styling, and blocks he or she can dream up and build in the Site Editor.

This also means that themes that fully embrace Full Site Editing will become smaller.

In time, we will likely be able to create WordPress themes without any PHP files at all.

At that point, modified themes will also be exportable directly from the WordPress administration panel, so you will be able to create and share themes entirely in the editing interface.

No coding knowledge is required.

Theming democratized.

Note: The inspiration was from here


If you want us to install WordPress and a theme, there are two pricing options:

Option 1
Install WordPress and a free theme.Cost=$20
Option 2
Install WordPress and a purchased theme. Cost=$150


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